You can Have “Real Time” Score Keeping for Nerf Blasters with Blaster Shot Score Keeping Vests and Targets.
Our Hybrid Score Keeping Vests and Targets Work with All Nerf Games and All Low Impact Combat Games including GellyBall, Gel Ball, Nerf, Bazooka Ball and Archery Tag!
Blaster Shot “Hybrid” Score Keeping System…The Only Nerf Score Keeping System With Real 2 Way Score Keeping Featuring the Hyper Com Score Keeping Eye Mod
Finally Score Keeping for Nerf and Gel Ball Games That Really Works and Most Importantly...A Score Keeping System We Can All Afford and We Offer 0% Financing If You Need It!

Our Blaster Shot Hyper Com Interactive Score Keeping Mod Bolts on to any Nerf Gun, Gel Ball Blaster or High FPS Blasters so they will work for any Foam Dart, Gel Ball, Gellyball Player…WITH NO BLASTER MODIFICATIONS!
Blaster Shot “Hybrid” Score Keeping Technology Keeps Score for all Low Impact Combat Games.
With Blaster Shot Hyper Com Interactive Score Keeping Mod…You Will Know EXACTLY how Every Shooter Is Doing…all the time! See Score Keeping Installed On Different Blasters
The Best Part Is, With Hyper Com Interactive Score Keeping…All Shooter’s Hit Info and Scores are Transmitted directly to Your Phone with our Score Keeping App .

Blaster Shot Keeps Score for all Nerf Guns, Gel Ball Blasters, Gellyball Guns, High FPS Blasters and Archery Tag Arrows.
Black Eye Tek develops and sells Blaster Shot Score Keeping Target Systems that include Score Keeping Target, Score Keeping Vests, Gun Mods and Hyper Com 2 Way Score Keeping…that makes sure every player knows exactly how many times they made a Good Hit or Bad Hit!

Our Hybrid Scoring Target is one of Largest Targets on Market with a Size of Target is 22 inches x 13 Inches with 6 inch x 6 inch Lighted Target Areas.
Blaster Shot Scoring Target is heavy duty which means it will stand up to Shots from Regular Nerf Guns, Gel Ball Blasters, Gellyball Blasters and Archery Tag Arrows .
This Hybrid Score Keeping Target Knows… Exactly Who’s Shooting at It and Who is Hitting It!
Each Blaster Shot Score Keeping System comes Complete and Ready to Shoot!…Here’s what you can Get!
- Blaster Shot Score Keeping Target Galleries
- Blaster Shot Score Keeping Vests
- Blaster Shot Hyper Com Score Keeping Mod (fits any Blaster)
- Blaster Shot Score Keeping App (works with all Phones)
You Supply the Blaster and Foam Projectiles or Gel Balls and We will Supply the Excitement.
See How our Score Keeping System Works! Watch Real 2 Way Score Keeping Really Work!
Check Here For More Details about Nerf Score Keeping System and Video Demo
By the way, We also have a Commercial Nerf and Gel Ball Score Keeping Target Game System made especially for Nerf Play Centers, Gel Ball Facilities, GellyBall Business and Family Entertainment Centers.
If you have any Questions About Blaster Shot Target Shooting Galleries or Score Keeping Vests That works with All Nerf blasters, Gel Ball Blasters and Archery Tag Bows…CLICK TO CALL or Contact Us!… We will be Glad to Help!
Please Note: Any reference to Nerf, Reball, Bazooka Ball, Media Vision, Gellyball, Gel Blaster, SplatRball or Unilocx or their products should not be taken in any part as a reference to any business relationship with these companies or any of their subsidiaries or partners.We only use these terms as a reference to products owned or produced by these companies as common game names or product names known in the market place