Nerf Shooting Gallery-Carnival Game for 6 Nerf Shooters



The Nerf Shooting Gallery Carnival Game for 6 Nerf Shooters is made for Carnival Operators, Large FECs or Rental Companies That Have Large Crowds and Need Fast Player Put Through.


SKU: NSG-6 Category:


Nerf Shooting Gallery Carnival Game for 6 Nerf Shooters is made for the Operator who has Large Crowds and Needs Fast Put Through.

Blaster Shot Shooting Gallery for Large Events Comes Complete and Displays Scores on TV or Monitor.

This Hybrid Nerf Shooting Gallery Works with All Nerf Darts or Nerf Balls, Gel Balls, GellyBalls and Archery Tag Arrows.

Nerf Target Shooting Gallery-6 Players-Dimensions
Nerf Target Shooting Gallery-6 Players-Dimensions

Additional information

Weight 200 lbs